Roller Shutters

Research indicates that up to 25% of the heat energy flows through the windows to avoid such a situation, many people decide to install external blinds, saving a considerable amount of money and minimising heat loss. Due to the polyurethane foam, placed in the roller shutters armour, the insulation coefficient increases significantly with the space between the roller shutter and the window functioning as an insulator.

The roller shutters provide help in insulating the building, but also have a burglary resistance function, protecting against noise and atmospheric factors (hail, wind), also protecting privacy.

We distinguish four basic types of external shutters.

Concealed roller shutters - installed in existing and newly built buildings. By lifting the shutter it becomes practically invisible both internally and externally. The box is mounted on the external side in the lintel. You can build it with plaster or clinker, thus it becomes invisible. The system is ideal for passive houses providing the best level of acoustic and thermal insulation.

Top mounted roller shutters - the choice of these roller shutters must be considered already during the architectural design stage of the building. The box can be installed both outside and inside the building. In this case, we are free to choose the construction (it can be left unbuilt). A definite advantage of the top mounted roller shutters is their discreet appearance, thermal and acoustic insulation at a high level.

Lintel roller shutters - similarly as in the case of the top mounted roller shutters, the decision concerning the choice of lintel roller shutters should be made in advance - preferably at the building design stage. The box is made of reinforced polystyrene foam, installed when the walls are built. The use of special elements allows us to permanently connect the roller shutters with the lintel of the building, thus helping to eliminate the escaping heat.

Surface mounted roller shutters - the most popular roller shutter system on the market. The system can be used both in existing and constructed buildings. Such roller shutters are made of extruded aluminium, with the roller shutter armouring filled with CFC-free foam. The roller shutter box is mounted on the façade or in a recess.

It is also worth mentioning the anti-burglary roller shutters (RC 3). The system designed for people appreciating safety more than anything. Anti-burglary roller shutters feature special reinforcements eliminating bending, damage, or impact during a burglary. At the bottom of the roller shutter, we have a ratchet mechanism, maintaining the blind closed. An unquestionable advantage is the possibility to adjust them to the window joinery through adaptive systems.